Warmly welcome Assoc. Ning Cai from Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China to become keynote speaker!
Warmly welcome Assoc. Ning Cai from Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China to become keynote speaker!

Warmly welcome Assoc. Ning Cai from Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China to become keynote speaker!


Research Area: 

Parallel analysis and control of cyber-physical social systems

Research Experience:

Dr Ning Cai received his Ph.D. degree in Control Theory from Tsinghua University in 2010. He was shortly with Tianjin Polytechnic University and Tsinghua University from 2010 to 2011. From 2011 to 2018, he was with Northwest University for Nationalities. Since 2018, he has been with Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications as an Associate Professor and Doctoral Supervisor. His current research interest focuses on the robust control and analysis of dynamical complex systems.

Dr. Cai authors over 20 academic papers published in various international journals. He serves as an editorial member of Complexity and PLoS One, a Lead-Guest-Editor for Complexity, J. Control Sci. Eng. and Adv. Mech. Eng., a senior member of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), and a member of both the professional boards on Hybrid Intelligence and Parallel Intelligence in CAA. He received the 2018 Publons award for top reviewers in engineering, and was selected as Young Talent for State Ethic Affairs Commission (SEAC) of China in 2013.

Dr. Cai is currently holding an open issue focusing on parallel analysis and control of cyber-physical social systems, in the journal Complexity.